Top 10 oldest countries in the world

1. Iraq

Iraq is located in the southwest of Asia, emerged in the middle of 3000 BC, the Sumerians created cuneiform script, the 60 base counting method and the circle division rate here, and has experienced the ancient Babylon, Assyrian, neo-Babylonian, Persia and other dynasties rule, established a republic in 1958.

2. China

With a vast territory and numerous ethnic groups, China is one of the world's four ancient civilizations that showed signs of the origin of civilization around 5,800 years ago. The Central Plains region formed a mature civilization form 3,800 years ago, and then experienced the change and integration of several dynasties and ethnic groups. China was founded in 1949 and established the socialist system.

3. Egypt

Egypt is a North African country across the Eurasian continent, located in the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa transportation routes, ancient Egypt is one of the world's four ancient civilizations, established the first slavery country in 3200 BC, and has experienced 31 dynasties, established the Republic of Egypt in 1953, has become the third largest economy in the African continent, the second largest population in Africa.

4. Greece

Greece is located in the southeast corner of Europe, in addition to the peninsula also has more than 3,000 islands in the Aegean Sea, the earliest history can be traced back to ancient Greece, is the birthplace of Western civilization, the kingdom of Greece was established in 1832, changed to a republic in 1974, is a high quality of life in the developed capitalist country.

5. Iran

Iran is an ancient civilization in the Middle East located in West Asia with a history of four or five thousand years. It was once known as Persia. In the 6th century BC, the ancient Persian Empire was very powerful, and the Islamic Republic was established in 1979.

6. India

India is a unified multi-ethnic country located in South Asia, with more than 100 ethnic groups. Ancient India is one of the four ancient civilizations. The Indus civilization was born in 2500 BC, the ethnic system was established in 1500 years ago, Buddhism was introduced in the 4th century, and then became a capitalist colony.

7. Lebanon

Lebanon is a Middle Eastern country located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and southwest Asia, the most westernized country in the Middle East, with the earliest human cities and world heritage, the earliest history can be traced back to Phoenicia in 2000 BC, and then experienced several empires notice, independence in 1943, is a country with a history of up to 5000 years.

8. Turkey

Turkey is a country that straddled Europe and Asia, and its geographical location and strategic significance are very important. If you want to trace its history back to the Ottoman Empire in 1299, Turkey also inherited the culture of the Eastern Roman Empire and Islamic culture, and was founded as the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Today, this country has a strong industrial base, It has become one of the fastest growing countries in the world.

9. Israel

Israel is the only country in the world with Jews as the main nationality located on the southeast coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The earliest civilization here originated in the Mesopotamia plain 4,000 years ago, and the State of Israel was established around 1000 BC. At present, this developed capitalist country has made great contributions to the development of science and technology. Also in the military, agriculture, medicine and other aspects have quite outstanding contributions.

10. Italy

Italy is a European country composed of Sicily, Sardinia and the Apennine Peninsula, in which SAN Marino and the Vatican are also included. The origin of Italy can be traced back to the early Paleolithic Age, when the splendid civilization was created from the 9th century BC and Rome was founded in 754 BC. The historic country already has 55 World Heritage sites, one of the most in the world.