What do you know of the top 10 planets suitable for human habitation?

In the vast universe, is there something similar to Earth? In recent years, scientists have speculated about the existence of such planets in the "Goldilocks zone," which is too far away to know for sure but very likely.

1. Gliese 581d

The planet is cold because it doesn't have a precise atmosphere and has a temperature of about minus 18 degrees. At the same time, the planet is nearly 20.2 light years from Earth and could have one or two oceans.

2. Gliese 667cc

The planet, 3.8 times the size of Earth, is the most Earth-like object outside the solar system with 85 percent similarity and can receive 90 percent of the light that Earth receives. It would also have liquid water, but it would still not be suitable for human beings, because life would face all sorts of challenges.

3, Kepler-62e

It's an extrasolar planet with a rocky surface, which means there's a good chance of water. At the same time it is almost covered by the sea and has cloudy skies, which can keep the climate warm and humid.

4. Kepler 22b

The planet is one of the most likely to have water, and may even have life. Because this planet has everything life needs.

5, Gliese 832c

Located 12 light years from Earth, the planet has a rocky surface and is extremely stable, but there are still many uncontrollable factors.

6.Proxima b

Located 4.2 light-years from Earth in the constellation Centauri, the planet is the closest exoplanet to the solar system and has a mass 1.5 times that of Earth, but may be too cold.

7, Kapteyn B

Located 13 light years from Earth, the planet is estimated to be 8 billion years old, five times heavier than Earth, and contains surface water. As a result, the planet could support human life.

8, Kepler 438b

It has a rocky surface that allows liquid water and is only 12 percent larger than Earth, but with an average temperature of 3 degrees Celsius, it poses problems for human activities.

9, GJ667C

It weighs 2.7 times as much as Earth and is found to be in the habitable zone where it could potentially support human life.

10. Wolf 1061C

The planet, which is rocky and has a surface temperature similar to Earth's, is 14 light years away.